Unit 3 - Problem Solving/Computers and Society


Students will spend the last few weeks of class designing and developing an application that incorporates most, if not all, the concepts taught in the course. Example ideas include the following: video games, multimedia organizers, educational quizzes etc. This project comprises 15% of the course mark.

We learned about something called Al Gore rhythms, a unique tool used in his (unsuccessful) 2000 presidential campaign.

Update: Apparently Al Gore did not invent the algorithm, but that makes no sense.
The steps in creating an algorithm are pretty complicated. First you need to actually identfy the problem, and then make this thing called an IPO chart, which is just a basic outline of how your code will work from start to end, based on Input, Processing, and Output. After that you've gotta make a Flowchart, which shows more in depth how your code will flow (I guess that's why they call it a flowchart) through different decisions. After that you make your pseudocode, which is like code but isn't. Well, it sort of is, but it's not in any actual programming language so I guess it's actually not code. Whatever. Don't ask what else we did in this unit, I have no clue because it went so quickly.

This page was last updated on 04/26/97 at 15:11